Tree Farmers and sign image
. Tree Farmer Alert

Tuesday, April 26,2011

Over 700 readers and growing!

Colorado Tree Farmers are a network of land- owners that share forestry resources.

Tree Farm Local Group image

Feel free to forward this alert to a friend.

New readers, if you would like to receive an email alert like this whenever new information about the pine beetle epidemic or any other content is added to our website, write stumpmaker@gmail.com and ask to be added to the Tree farmer Alert email list. It's free!

2011 Tree Farm .
in New Mexico

The 2011 National Tree Farmer Convention will be held August 9-11 in New Mexico, at the Hyatt Tamaya Resort & Spa, situated between Santa Fe and Albuquerque.

Look for registration information in the March/April edition of Tree Farmer Magazine. Be sure to check www.treefarmsystem.org for the most up to date information.



San Juan Tree Farmer Newsletter

The latest edition of the San Juan Tree Farmer is out with excellent articles and a full calendar of events that will take place this year in southern Colorado.



Please send your questions regarding any forest management related issues to stumpmaker@gmail.com We'll find an answer for you.

Join Us if you would like to go on our tours, question our experts, or share information on forest ecology and forest management with our members


Landowners who attend one of our tours in 2010 will receive the Colorado Tree Farmer's forest management manual, "Saving Your Forest". Currently certified Tree Farmers can get a manual by bringing a neighbor or friend to one of our tours.